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Archive for July, 2005

Compost Container

What is a Compost Container?

A Compost Container is any container used to contain compost. That is, a compost container is used to keep compost isolated. Since dealing with compost is a way of safely returning humanities used organic wastes to the soil in the form of a rich and healthy humus or finished compost, a containment area is necessary in order to maintain a properly, kept compost. With a compost container, the composter can speed up, slow down, heat up or cool down the process of breaking down organic wastes through the use of sensible composting as desired.

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Organic Compost

What is Organic Compost?

The term Organic Compost is well disputed due to the fact that anything compostable, by definition, is organic. In order to compost, carbon molecules are necessary, and by definition anything organic is organic because it contains at least one carbon molecule. Thus the term organic compost is scientifically redundant, is it not? Well, the term organic compost is not meant for really intense letters majoring chemists. Rather “organic compost” seems to exist for the leaf loving passionate few who like to think of mother nature as being “organic” and “compost” a natural part in her system.

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Worm Bin

What is a Worm Bin?

A Worm Bin can be an excellent way to throw less food down the garbage disposal unit. What is a worm bin exactly? Well the bin itself is basically a box of some kind, usually filled with some kind of moist newspaper scraps, leaves, a little earth and sand, for bedding, red worms, and kitchen scraps. A worm bin, is usually vegetarian, since red worms prefer their veggies. Worm bins can be found under kitchen sinks, near the dog food, or even as a table display next to your son’s pet fish Goldie. The worm bin is more than just a gardener’s tool the worm bin is a way for people to feel good about doing something positive for a world trying to live at peace, amongst itself, and the surrounding environment.

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Compost Toilet

What is a Compost Toilet?

A Compost Toilet is an alternative tool for a more sustainable way of human existence. A compost toilet is not just merely some peat moss, or sawdust, mixing itself with our human organic waste, in a bucket. A compost toilet is a way of keeping our rivers drinkable, by not throwing sewage into them. A compost toilet is a way of keeping our ground soil clean by not throwing our number one and number two into leaking septic tanks. A compost toilet is the lowest impact and environmentally friendly way to deal with human organic wastes.

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Mushroom Compost

What is Mushroom Compost?

Mushroom Compost is basically a delicately produced compost of materials for the commercial harvesting of mushrooms. The kind of mushroom to be commercially harvested is pretty much irrelevant, since the basic conditions that permit mushroom farming use the same kinds of composts. Mushroom compost is a fairly new concept that came about officially in the year 1678 by French botanist Marchant upon presenting the transplantation of the white filament found under mushrooms into an adequate medium (mushroom compost), to the Academy of Science.

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Compost Tea

What is Compost Tea?

For those who love gardening, compost tea is a wonderful way to achieve riper, more lush and tasty vegetables. Compost Tea involves using compost as if it was just that, a tea. Note, however this does NOT mean, dumping buckets of rainwater over any kind of compost and expecting to extract a perfect, environmentally friendly, oxygenated, death to bad news pathogens garden warrior spray. No, compost tea is a gentle and ethical procedure that takes some care and knowledge. Composting properly to extract compost tea is an art, and requires proper timing, and choices of compost.

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Worm Compost

What is Worm Compost?

To most, Worm Compost is a rhetorical statement, because when thinking about compost, worms are usually one of the fist things to come to mind. A worm does one thing in its whole existence, compost nutritious and valuable fertilizer that can be used in gardens to enrich the growth and development of tasty veggies. More specifically, worms eat the rot off of rotting organic materials, and in exchange, leave behind what we call worm castings.

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Compost and Soil

What is the Difference Between Compost and Soil?

Are soil and compost different? Compost and soil are very different. Soil can take in some cases, up to 200 years to finally be produced. While compost is the process of making humus (earth or soil), soil itself is broken down over larger periods of time. Usually once humus is fully composted, through the composting process, it can be added to the soil enriching its already powerful role in nature.

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Compost Pile

What is a Compost Pile?

Normally a compost pile aka compost heap is just a place out in the backyard where people throw there organic wastes. But when studied, the compost pile becomes a living and thriving focus of knowledge about the world in which we live. A metropolis, of thermophylic microorganisms, that purify all of humankind’s organic wastes, in a natural and energy efficient manner. The compost pile becomes an intense learning environment for people interested in planning and meditating around an alternative future, filled with hope.

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Compost Tumbler

What is a Compost Tumbler?

A compost tumbler is used as a tool for those interested in composting as a safe and viable alternative to throwing their organic waste away. Normally when composting, people hear about having to turn the compost from time to time. There are reasons for this turning, some say even because it’s just plain fun to go out and turn the compost a little, to make you feel like you are actually doing something. For those doing backyard composting, this usually means a pitchfork, and a personal mantra like: tumble compost… tumble compost… tumble compost… (over and over). A compost tumbler is usually a little more than just a pitch fork and a power phrase.

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Compost Bin

What is a Compost Bin?

A compost bin is a safely controlled environment that recycles organic waste in an efficient and natural way, by producing humus, (Lat. earth, soil). Mostly, instead of using a compost bin, our organic waste is flushed down the drain, into the sewers, and thrown away in the trash, but a composting bin is a safe alternative method to dealing with our own waste. There is one major rule for anyone interested in composting: Organic waste (especially animal), should NEVER, EVER come in contact with the environment. It shouldn’t come in contact with water, nor soil, and it’s always a good idea to keep your hands clean after messing with any organic waste. This is the point of a compost bin, to keep the environment well controlled.

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