What is Compost Fertilizer?
When having a discussion about compost fertilizer, some say that the best way to proceed is to dissect the term etymologically, in which case, the basis of the word fertile is something like abundance. That which brings fruit in large quantities, but what is compost fertilizer? Compost fertilizer is usually considered to be a term meaning compost that has been tampered with chemically, or on an industrialized scale. That could be one definition of compost fertilizer, but not the whole idea.
Compost fertilizer, is more often than not, just a normal backyard compost pile, or bin that the composter wants to be super-compost. So they buy fertilizer, that has usually been produced industrially and feed it to their compost. It means a higher nitrogen level in the final product, but also, more vitamins and minerals, that were obtained in an industrialized fashion. Most advocates see this as a more sustainable agriculture. Well, certainly on any large scale agricultural project, soil renewal is of vital importance for future harvests.
Planting trees in one place, letting them grow, then chopping them down and doing it again, all takes the nutrients out of the soil. Planting coffee, in one region, is harvested after five years, but how many harvests can be made, before the soil is exhausted? Soil is not unlimited. Renewal is imperative for the correct and environmentally ethical procedure of growing plants. Hence the need for fertilizer, but why not just fertilize the soil and done? Why first boost compost with fertilizer, to then add to the ground soil? Because renewal must be done with balance, that can only be reached through the proper choice of soil for the next harvest.
When hippies and green-living communities want to recover lost zones like Death Valley, notions such as compost fertilizer come into play. Sustainable agriculture becomes the tool of the hour. Compost fertilizer can be one of the things they least want but most need, since who wants to use a non-renewable resource like natural gas to create nitrogen injected fertilizer high in nutrients that have a super fast growth rate, when the whole ethical idea is to keep things sustainable and renewable?
Well, that fact is, that if a project as lost in the sands of time as desert recovery and oasis building, were to be thrown on the table in today�s high-paced world, time, is money. And no matter how ethical a project wants to be, compost fertilizer, would be a must do, if the time frame is to be kept. Compost fertilizer is way to achieve fast results in a more natural and environmentally friendly way, than just gung-ho money grubbing fertilizer right in ground kind of attitude. Compost fertilizer doesn�t have to be used forever, but it can really help a soil badly in need of renewal.
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