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Worm Chalet

Posted in Worm Bins by admin on June 26, 2007.

Worm Chalet is a three-tray white plastic worm bin that will readily hold between 15 to 20 kilos of worms and digest their weight in food scraps daily.

The Worm Chalet is a verticalized worm bin that allows worms to migrate upward from box to box as the lower boxes have reached their capacity, the worms will automatically find their way towards more organic materials.

As long as the level of soil is close enough to the top where they can reach the next level, the worms will just keep going upward, so when they reach the top box, just place it as the bottom box, empty the castings from the bottom and middle boxes into your garden and start the whole process over again.

The average American household usually has between two to five adults which will use an average of 15 to 20 kilos of food scraps a day; making Worm Chalet the ideal vermicomposting unit in small urban areas like apartments.

30.5 inches tall and 19.75 x 19.75 inches square, it readily fits into any kitchen or pantry as if it were an alternative garbage disposal unit, and it doesn’t smell as long as the compost tea is collected daily from the spigot at the bottom and spread into the garden or used as organic pesticide.

Worm Chalet Worm BinAlternatively, some people like to oxygenate their compost tea with an old aquarium air pump, a bucket and some tubing, supercharging it for better results!

This system is expandable and the plastic was made to look like weathered stone, with a passive climate control mechanism that moderates temperature fluctuations through an insulated air core in the triple wall design.

It is important to keep this out of direct sunlight while in use, to allow a more favorable environment and the tapered lid inhibits rainwater from pooling up.

Made from UV stabilized plastic that is durable and long lasting it comes with metal sieve separators, it can be used indoors or outdoors as is convenient, has a one year warranty and ships at 79 pounds.

The Worm Chalet is one more way to improve ecological friendliness, providing a sustainable outlet for organic wastes in the urban home, avoiding unnecessary ecological footprints and helping those that use your kitchen understand what it means to be a steward of Mother Earth on a daily basis.

Buy a Worm Chalet from Amazon.com

Compost, By Gosh

Posted in Books by admin on June 25, 2007.

Compost, By Gosh is a unique way of addressing the ancient art of vermicomposting, making it fun for little children, especially girls, their mothers and grandmothers alike.

Mothers and grandmothers will love to read this book to their little girls between the ages of 4 to 8 or even as old as 9. Recommended to anyone seriously looking to educate a child in the ways of vermicomposting at home.

This is a fabulous adventure between a loving mother and her daughter to convert a storage box into a pet home for their new red worms.

More than just how to build and maintain a worm bin, this is a unique family experience that all children (boys and girls alike) will appreciate, done together with a loving adult to create a marking relationship with the earth and how we deal with our waste.

The art of vermicomposting through a grand explanation that is exciting for both children and adults to hear and read, with poetic rhyming couplets that accentuate an already beautiful process.

Written and illustrated by Michelle Eva Portman, hardbound, 6 3/8″ x 8 3/4″ in full color, 42 pages and step by step How To instructions and resources, this was first published in December of 2002 by Flower Press, a company that knows what people really need to be seeing and thinking about to make progress for this nation of ours.

Flower Press, was founded in 1976 by the passed on, yet well remembered and loved Worm Woman Mary Appelhof, who self-published for years to show the world what people really should be thinking about, not what the book industry thought people wanted to read about.

Books by Flower Press keep it real, teaching us not what to sell, but what to do to actually make a difference in the now, with whatever is available.

True to the Flower Press philosophy, Compost, By Gosh goes beyond money and looks to just get those ideas out there; these are the valued ones that will really make a difference in the world we live in.

Compost, By Gosh is a humane and loving way to teach our children the true secrets of Mother Nature, by passing them on, from parent (grandparent) to child (4-9) through the kind of storytelling that really makes a difference in a childs life.

Compost, By Gosh is the road to a more sustainable future through family vermicomposting, and it begins with our children; today.